Thursday, June 30, 2011

First Day!

I am beginning my adventure into the world of blogging!  I enjoy following blogs related to running and food, so I decided to attempt one of my own.  I'm not a fitness expert or a chef, nor do I play either on TV, but I do enjoy working out (especially running!) and I love to cook! 

Here's a look at last night's dinner:  Sage Chicken.
I must say it was like a little bit of heaven in a bowl.  The dish includes chicken, lemon, garlic, fresh sage, bread crumbs, and olive oil over pasta.  It was delicious and is a family favorite!

Yesterday I ran 4 miles and did a yoga dvd this morning.  I am only running 3 days a week per doctor's orders after a bout of Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome, which is a fancy way of saying really bad shin splints.  :) 
I'll try to post several times a week and will enjoy it even if no one else does!  Again, I am not an expert in fitness or food, but I hope you will come back again and follow me on this journey called life!